Friday, June 11, 2021

Avoid Sugar at All Costs

 Sugar is a No No!!

I once heard someone say that sugar is the legal cocaine
I couldn't agree more, it creates havoc with your body and brain and is VERY addictive

So really we should eliminate sugar completely from our diets, too much sugar causes the start of obesity and many illnesses and diseases

Also, watch out for carbohydrates and alcohol as these are also sugars
Fruit juices and flavoured fizzy drinks are very high in sugar and should be removed from any diet

The challenge in today's society is that sugar is everywhere, we use it to celebrate, birthdays, weddings, holidays, Christmas Dinner, New Year etc.
(The problem isn't what we eat between Christmas and New Year, it's what we eat between New Year and Christmas)

Now I'm not saying that a "treat" every now and then is the end of the world just be cautious of how much sugar you are consuming

Avoid low fat foods as they tend to be full of sugar, labels are cleverly marketed to confuse us, if an ingredient ends in ose it's probably a sugar

You can use sweeteners however I would only recommend plant based ones 
(Check out Dr Ken Berry on YouTube for sweetener recommendations)
Certain sweeteners are very bad for your health
