Showing posts with label inflammation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inflammation. Show all posts

Friday, July 30, 2021

What is Inflammation?

Do You Have Inflammation in Your Body?

So what causes inflammation and how do I get rid of it?7

Basically inflammation can be caused by certain foods or oils, certain drinks or exposure to chemicals in the environment

Inflammation in the body can cause symptoms for illnesses such as pre-diabetes, diabetes, iron deficiency, joint pain and many more

For some people dairy can cause inflammation particularly cows dairy as some people are allergic to the proteins in dairy 
Also it is common for the body to reject some vegetables due to the chemicals in plants

Be careful of oils as they are likely to cause inflammation, in particular vegetable oil, canola oil, nut oils, sunflower oil etc. The best oils to use are olive, avocado, ghee, butter or coconut

Alcohol can cause inflammation particularly high sugary drinks such as beer as certain wines

Sugar is a high factor for inflammation so we need to be careful of our daily intake and watch out for sugary drinks, did you know there is more sugar in a litre of apple juice compared to a litre of cola

Certain medications can also cause inflammation, check with your doctor if you are unsure

Eating low carb can definitely help with inflammation and joint pain and help with our metabolic system 
The low carb way of eating is becoming more popular as research is showing that it works to lower our inflammation


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Joint Pain / Arthritis

 Joint Pain / Arthritis

Is your diet causing your joint pain or arthritis?

Is it possible your diet could be making it worse or damaging your joints permanently?

There are millions of people in the world who suffer from severe debilitating arthritis
Arthritis is a word which means inflammation inside the joints

So many people think "I have worked hard and worn my joints out", this is inaccurate, your joints are constantly being regenerated  and renewed with new cells and cartilage 

Joints can be improved with diet, I know of a doctor (Dr Ken Berry) who had patients waiting for surgery to have a knee/hip replacement, he asked them to try a low carb diet for 3 months before going ahead with the surgery and many of the cancelled their surgery

So what can you eat?
As the name suggests, you need to eat low carb so you need to drastically reduce your carbohydrate intake, this will then reduce inflammation in your entire body and improve the lining of your joints

The next thing is to eliminate all grains from your diet in particular wheat, rice and corn, this should  make a noticeable difference in joint pain and swelling

Then you need to stop using oils that are bad for you in particular vegetable oil and margarine, swap for good healthy oils such as lard, butter, avocado, coconut or olive oil

Liquid dairy, for example milk is also not helping your joints.  Milk protein can inflame your joints
Instead use full fat cheeses and full fat cream, stay away from low fat as it will probably be high in sugar

Nightshade vegetables should be avoided such as tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and aubergine.  
Do an experiment and stop eating them one at a time to see if you notice any difference and for some people legumes such as beans and peas can cause joint pain

Chronic inflammation which is treated with pills/steroids will stop the pain as the inflammation is being blocked however this is only treating the symptom and not the cause and you may damage other parts of the body

And if you can Stay Active


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

High Blood Pressure

Should You Eat A Low Carbohydrate Diet If You Have High Blood Pressure?

Many people have High Blood Pressure (HBP) or Hypertension and are not aware of it

Most people who have high blood pressure do not have symptoms 
In some cases, people with high blood pressure may have a pounding feeling in their head or chest, a feeling of being lightheaded, dizziness or other signs

HBP or Hypertension can put you at risk of major diseases such as heart attack, stroke and kidney failure

Apparently HBP cannot be cured, at least cannot be cured by taking pills

Can it be cured by eating a low carb diet? There are many people who are eating this way and losing weight or bringing down their insulin levels and inflammation levels which in turn brings down HBP or Hypertension levels and then the chances of major diseases are greatly reduced

Also it is a good idea to protect yourself from these diseases by making sure your potassium and magnesium levels are optimised and if you have chronic stress in your life then try and minimise this

Check out Dr. Ken Berry's Book - Lies My Doctor Told Me or his YouTube channel where there are many positive testimonials for High Blood |Pressure by eating a low carb diet