Is Salt Bad For You?
This is a very important Health & Nutrition topic
Millions of people limit their salt intake because they think it is bad for them, is this true?
Sodium (salt) is essential for every single cell function in your body
We are led to believe from the "experts" that too much salt leads to diseases and poor health however if you are salt depleted you would definitely feel unwell
Mammals will walk for miles to find a salt block, why? - because they know when they need it
Salt contains magnesium and potassium along with other important elements so to function optimally we need salt, think about muscle cramps which is a lack of magnesium, this is your body telling you that you are salt depleted
Of course the quality of the salt must be good, table salt will probably harm your health as will the salt found in most processed foods
Himalayan pink salt is acceptable, however the best one I have found is Redmond Real Salt, highly recommended